All big leaps start from a small motivation. So did Saffollya and this is the story of our amazing journey so far. Mrs. Hashi Rani Kundu was the motivator for this giant leap by founder Arabinda Kundu. Every mother knows what is best for her child.

She used to inspire saying “there are no limitations to dreams, because we do not own dreams, dreams are from God.”

She also taught SIMPLE-living, love THE work and encouraged creating employment – contributory way. She was indeed a visionary who envisioned the birth of this Endeavour.

The Saffollya Story

Out timeline from the Start till Present day.


A Brief History
Mr. Arabinda Kundu started working from home as an individual agent in the domain of personal finance.


Building Up
Started conducting Investor’s Awareness Programmes on Personal Finance. More than 6000 people were benefited.


Something Big
Saffollya extablished its own office with few employees, joined IIOE, Wealth Forum and achieved MDRT for the very first time at a global conference in USA and it proclaimed its arrival on the BIG SCREEN.


Became an Associate Financial Planner in Risk Management and Retirement Planning from FPSB

2011 – 2013

New Programmes
Launched programmes like Customized Investment Planning, Retirement Planning for clients and Individual Tax Saving Advisory Services


Awards & Accolades
Summon Award by MFRT in 2014. Apollo Munich awarded us at Bali, Indonesia, at Thailand in 2016. SIP Champion Award at Phuket. Advisor of the Year and SIP Champion at Hong Kong from RMF. Apollo Munich again rewarded us at Singapore this year.


Year of Expansion
Got distributor license, launched Saffollya's Mobile App and Web Portal. Started advising the corporates.


The Army Grows
The Saffollya's team of employees and Wealth Coaches grows to 50. Started AMFI training